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Mapping Resources

Query Data

There are many sources of query data for use with Ultra.


Ultra was initially made to visualize OSM data via Overpass queries. OSM continues to be an excellent source of data for Ultra, and can be consumed in more ways than one.


OverpassQL or Overpass XML queries are supported by the overpass query provider.


The ohsome API can be used via the ohsome query provider to loader quanties of OSM data with a simpler filtering syntax than Overpass.

Bunting Labs

Using separate N/S/E/W bbox placeholders, the geojson provider can load data from the Bunting Labs API


The osmxml and osmjson providers can load data directly from the OSM API.


There are a variety of providers of tiled OSM data.

OpenStreetMap US Tileserver

Née the OSM Americana Community Vector Tile Server, OSM US hosts OpenMapTiles on For usage, see their policy.

Google My Maps

The kml provider can directly load Google My Maps URLs.

Natural Earth

Natural Earth Data data is available as GeoJSON from the CDN

US Census Bureau

State boundaries from the US Census Bureau data is available as GeoJSON from provides GIS data for Wildernes Areas in the USA. The data files need to be downloaded, converted to tiles or GeoJSON, and hosted before using them with Ultra

All The Places

All The Places provides GeoJSON files for a many retail establishments, scraped from their websites.

ATP doesn't serve the files with CORS headers, so you must re-host them with the appropriate headers yourself.

Overture Maps

The Overture foundation makes map data derived from various sources available. It needs to be processed and hosted before use with Ultra.

Esri maintains an excellent list of ArcGIS REST servers:

Base Style resources

TrailStash Style Server

Most of the styles made available in the Style Picker menu on are hosted on

OpenMapTiles Styles

Most of the OpenMapTiles Styles are available, with fonts and sprites hosted along-side the style, and tiles hosted by the OSM US Tile Server.


The light, dark, white, grey, black variants and the community "contrast" varaint of the Protomaps styles are available, with fonts and sprites hosted by the protomaps basemaps assets repo and tiles hosted by the Protomaps API

Esri Satellite

A style using Esri World Imagery is available.

Natural Earth

The TrailStash fork of Lukas Martinelli's Natural Earth Tiles includes a MapLibre vector style.


Versatiles provides a few styles based on the Shortbread Schema, free for use anywhere.


OpenFreeMap provides a few styles based on the OpenMapTile schema free for use anywhere.

Commercial Providers

Any MapLibre style provider can be used with Ultra. See Awesome MapLibre for a more comprehensive list of MapLibre style providers.