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YAML front-matter config

The real power of Ultra lies in it's easy configuration of MapLibre with the a query's YAML front-matter.


Customize the MapLibre style. See Styling for more information.




Use a different Overpass or SPARQL server.



Only applies to Overpass, SPARQL, & Esri.


Customize the interactive popup with a LiquidJS template. Or set it to false to disable the interactive popup.

popupTemplate: "{{type}} {{id}} - {{}}"


Show the features inspection popup on hover rather than on click.

popupOnHover: true


Specify the type of source in the query.

Default: auto


Automatically detects and chooses the right query provider out of the following:

  • overpass
  • geojson
  • kml
  • gpx
  • tcx
  • esri
  • vector
  • raster
  • raw
  • osmxml
  • osmjson
  • osmWebsite
  • osmWiki
  • taginfo

See each provider for how it is auto-detected


An Overpass QL query. Results converted into a GeoJSON source with osmtogeojson.

Detected if:

  • Parses as XML and the top level tag is osm-script
  • Matches one of the regexes defined here


Parses a URL to an node/way/relation on and fetches that element using an Overpass query using out geom;

Detected if:

  • A URL on starting with node/way/relation


Perform an Overpass query using nwr and out geom; for an OSM wiki URL starting with Tag: or Key:

Detected if:

  • A URL to the OSM wiki starting with Tag: or Key:


Perform an Overpass query using nwr and out geom; for an taginfo URL for keys or tags.

Detected if:

  • A URL starting with or and with a path ending in /keys/:key or /tags/:key=:value.


An OSM XML document or a URL to one. Converted into a GeoJSON source with osmtogeojson.

Detected if:

  • Parses as XML and the top level tag is osm
  • Parses as a URL and the path matches that of an node/:id, way/:id/full, or relation/:id/full OSM API route


An OSM JSON document or a URL to one. Converted into a GeoJSON source with osmtogeojson.

Detected if:

  • Parses as JSON and contains a version key containing the value 0.6 at the top level.
  • Parses as a URL and the path matches that of an node/:id, way/:id/full, or relation/:id/full OSM API route


Make a SPARQL query to load data.

Note: requires you to specify a server.



An ohsome API filter.

Automatically adds the current bbox with the bboxes param and properties=tags,metadata using the extracts endpoint.

For more complex ohsome API usage, make a request using the geojson provider with a custom BBOX format.


A JSON-encoded GeoJSON object or a URL to a GeoJSON file.

Detected if:

  • Parses as JSON and contains a type with a valid GeoJSON type.


A KML file or URL to a KML file.

Detected if

  • Parses as XML and contains a top level kml tag


A GPX file or URL to a GPX file.

Detected if

  • Parses as XML and contains a top level gpx tag


A TCX file or URL to a TCX file.

Detected if

  • Parses as XML and contains a top level tcx tag


Load vector features from an Esri FeatureServer or MapServer.

Detected if

  • A URL ending in /FeatureServer/NUMBER or /MapServer/NUMBER

Simple usage

To load all features in a layer, specify the layer URL on the EsriServer as the query text

Advanced usage

To specify query parameters, specify them as the query text using YAML encoding. Specify the layer URL using server.


A full MapLibre Source as JSON or YAML.

Detected if

  • Parses as JSON or YAML and contains a valid MapLibre Source type.


A line delimited list of tile URLs for a raster source or a TileJSON url

Detected if

  • tile URLs ending in .png, .jpg, .jpeg, or .webp.
  • A JSON document or URL to a JSON document containing a tilejson key and a format key equal to png, jpg, or webp.


A line delimited list of tile URLs for a vector source or a TileJSON url

Detected if

  • A JSON document or URL to a JSON document containing a tilejson key and a format key equal to pbf.


When an Ultra query is run in "interactive map" mode, you can specify the MapOptions that are passed to the MapLibre constructor.

For example, you can use this to fit to bounds rather than relying on the z/x/y URL parameters, making for a more consistent experience across screen sizes. EG:

  bounds: [-77.64656066894544,37.577235791111384,-76.92558288574232,38.13563674858875]


When an Ultra query is run in "interactive map" mode, you can specify controls to be added to the map with the controls key in the YAML-front matter. The key should contain a list of objects. Each object must specify a type key containing the name of a control present in MapLibre. It can optionally contain an options key who's contents are passed to the control's constructor and a position key that is passed to map.addControl.

For example, to add a NavigationControl to your map:

  - type: NavigationControl
      visualizePitch: true
    position: bottom-left


Specify which sources can be queried by mouse-click

querySources: [ultra] # this is the default


This allows you to specify javascript to mutate the query result before it is added to the map style. Your code has access to the query result in a variable named data and must return GeoJSON to be used in the map style. Turf.js is availble. For example, to buffer the result by 10 meters:

transform: >
    return turf.buffer(data, 0.01)
out geom;